I want to run away and join the circus!
Ever since I watched my first Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas a long time ago, I have fallen in love with Cirque. I always try to make it a point to watch a Cirque show whenever I am in the US, so imagine my excitement when I found out that they were coming to Manila!
So, as soon as I was sure that Cirque was coming to town, I went online to get myself a couple of tickets.
The Grand Chapiteau |
The show is opened by these 2 comedians poking fun of each other and at some audience members. But unlike some of our local comedians, these 2 were actually kinda interesting and funny. And from time to time during the duration of the show, these 2 would appear to provide comic relief to an otherwise heavy production.
Varekai is a Gypsy or Romani word for wherever and it is a tribute to the nomadic soul and to the circus traditions. The story was inspired by the Greek mythology, Icarus. But rather than falling into the sea and dying, Icarus falls into a forest filled with mythical creatures.
He then falls in love with this creature who underwent some kind of metamorphosis
And along the way, acrobats, singers and musicians dressed in colorful costumes comes on stage to dance and do breath-taking, mind-boggling acrobatic acts
I think this guy, the Limping Angel, was the best! He moved around so powerfully and yet so fluidly and gracefully that we were debating if he was really disabled. I thought he wasn't but I was wrong pala.
The three amazing Asian kids
And the singers and musicians who never missed a beat
And at the end of it all, a union of two souls and a celebration.
Is it just me or doesn't Icarus, here on the last scene reminds you of Prince Zardoz of Voltes V and his bride's costume looked like it might have come from Queen Amadila's closet?
Varakai is running until July 24, 2011.
Click here to get your tickets.
same here, it made me want to join the circus too :D